Space was big. Just 5 years before I entered kindergarten Neil Armstrong walked on the moon. With the launch of Voyager 1 and 2, outer space got even bigger. I recall that being all over the place.

I don't recall any special lessons about it at the time, I'm sure my teachers must have spoken about it but there were no reports that I remember working on. If anything, if a teacher saw an interesting program in the TV guide they would tell us to watch it. Something like this perhaps:
While outer space was all over the news things were pretty interesting on earth as well. The Concorde ushered in supersonic flight.
The last big science related story I can remember from the time has to do with this woman...
That would be Louise Brown, but when I was a kid she was known as the first test tube baby. Her birth introduced the word to in vitro fertilization and if you were a kid, you got a lesson in biology whether you wanted it or not because it was everywhere.
You can find a biography of her by clicking here.
Now what do I remember about middle and high school?